Become a Supporter
Our plans for 2025 will most definitely whet your appetite for the amazing music of Johann Sebastian Bach! However, running an arts organisation such as ours presents a huge financial challenge. While as yet we currently receive no State or Federal Government funding, our generous family of individual donors is sustaining us, enabling us to continue to perform. You can also assist us by purchasing a ticket to one of our forthcoming events.
We invite you to consider making a donation to support our work and help us to bring the wonderful music of J.S. Bach to life. Unless you wish to remain anonymous, your contribution will be acknowledged on our website and in our concert programs.
All donations of $2 or over are fully tax deductible.
Make a donation
Direct deposit
Pay direct from your account into:
Bach Akademie Australia Ltd. Public Fund
BSB 633 000
Account number 208 083 659
Please include your name and mark it as a donation in your transaction, download the donation form below, fill out your details and then email it to us at We will then send you a tax deductible receipt.
Post your cheque made out in favour of Bach Akademie Australia Ltd. Public Fund to:
Bach Akademie Australia
PO Box 2166
Strawberry Hills
NSW 2012
Credit card online
Please consider donating via direct deposit where possible. This helps BAA immensely as we avoid transaction fees.
Donate over the phone with a credit card by calling 1300 785 377.
Bach Akademie Australia Ltd. ABN 64 617 435 588 is a tax deductible fund listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Support Bach Akademie Australia's future
Your Will is an opportunity to ensure your beliefs and values live on.
Imagine a future where the value and impact of high-quality Bach performances are truly cherished here in Australia. This reality is entirely possible thanks to the generosity of our beloved donors. Please consider making a bequest, no matter the size, to Bach Akademie Australia, becoming a champion of Bach's music into the future, with all its benefits for mind, body and soul.
You will become a treasured custodian of BAA's future.
The value and legacy of Bach’s music to us, the human race, simply cannot be adequately expressed nor overstated. This deeply humble and devout man single handedly changed music forever by drawing on his inexhaustible well of creativity and inspiration for the benefit of all mankind. Bach is worth it, in every way…
Madeleine Easton, Artistic Director
Please contact Timothy Matthies for further discussions: email or call 0407 273 494.